CarePatrol of Northwest DFW

CarePatrol of Northwest DFW


Senior Support

About Us

CarePatrol of Northwest DFW provides a FREE and personalized service to seniors that are in need of finding the best living option, whether it be Independent Living, Assisted Living, Memory Care or In Home Care.

As Certified Senior Advisors, we understand the aging process and how health, social, and financial concerns work together to influence outcomes. We have pre-screened every senior care community we recommend. We understand our client’s current needs and anticipate future ones before recommending a community. We stay supportive long after move-in day with regular check-ins to ensure your loved one’s needs are being met even when health conditions change. We are here to be an advocate for you and to take away the stress of communicating with multiple communities since we do that for you.

Contact us to discuss your current needs or to prepare for the future.


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Rep/Contact Info

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Melanie Gloede
Owner/ Certified Senior Advisor